
High school prom

Skill: Listening

Site: ELLO,Lexica

Level (if any): ADV

Topic:High school Prom

Main point and/or Your Score (if any):This is about high school prom in USA. Prom is dance party which is held in spring a month before school ends. Girls become crazy about it but some boy feel pressure about this. Everyone dress up for prom like taxede and nice dresses. Prom is one for junior & senior, especially senior. Younger students(freshman and sophomore) can't go to the prom but if bigger student ask younger student to go with,youger also can go.

Key language points to review (words or rules):
prom:a formal dance,especially one that is held at a high school
senior:the last year in high school
jnior:a student in the year at high school or college
sophomore:a student in the 10th grade

Lesson Rating:(・u・)

Comments:not so difficultlevel. I hope Japanese school would have prom. It seems so exiciting event.

Self-evaluation: * *

Study time:30 minutes

Comments: ( concentrated / thought about my goals / thought about my progress)





Level (if any): N

ListeniTopic:American President Election

Lesson Rating:(^▼^)

Comments: (so interesting & funny )

Self-evaluation: * * * * *

Study time: 45minutes

Comments: (watched hard / concentrated / )



Skill: Listening ,vocablary   

Site:Lexica, Net Academy

Topic: Common errors in English

Key language points to review:
sarcastic:showing or expressing sarcasm
ironic:showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying
fighting a losing battle:to try to do something you will probably never succeed in doing
usage:the way in which words are used in a language

lesson rating:(・u・ )

Comments:I think expression of language is complex both japanese and English.

Self-evaluation: ****

Study time: 60 minutes

Comments: ( concentrated /studied hard)