
Be ready, awake, and motivated-usually
Choose fun or interesting activities that are a little difficult (not too easy or way to diffucult)-always
Preview the title or any picture to focus-seldome
Try to listen or read once & then test yourself-usually
-Listen or read many times to focus on any new language-seldome
Focus only on common, useful words-usually
Review often (especially vocabulary)-usually

-Have you made progress to reach your goals this year?
I might have made progress a little bit.

-Have your long-term goals for the future changed?
No,I'm not going to change my long-term goals and I'm trying to achieve this goals for the future.

-How often do you plan to study on your own during vacation? During school time (next school year)?
In my hope I want to study English every day as I can as possible.

-What are you going to study? NetAcademy/Web sites (Ferris Lab) /Books
I'm going to study blackboard academic suit which I can do at my house.

-What skills are you going to study?
Reading,Listening,and vocablary




Level (if any):

Topic:Chinese New Year

Main point and/or Your Score (if any):Chinese celebrate new year just same as western people. But a day that they celebrate changes each year. And they have special dinner
. There are 7 kind of dishes in table because 7 is lucky number. Also they get money from their elders not present. They spend money to buy gifts such as clothes and shoes or save money.

Key language points to review (words or rules):
flexible calender:the day can change each year. It's not same day yach year.
special arrangement:you do something different for that one occasion like you put decorations on table or eat special food or everybody have to sit on certain spots.
put away:save
for rainy days:to save and keep for tinme when you really need
make a lot of sense:good idea
portion:part of something

Lesson Rating:(・u・)

Comments: ( good level / a little bit difficult idioms)

Self-evaluation: * * *

Study time: 70 minutes

Comments: (studied hard / thought about my goals / thought about my progress)


Site:Net academy

Level (if any): * * * * *


Main point and/or Your Score (if any):

Key language points to review (words or rules):

Lesson Rating: :( :/ :I :)

Comments: (too easy / difficult / good level / interesting / boring / (not) effective)